Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
Harmony, peace, and grace— Holy presence, holy place. My prayer: To serve with joy, to care, To see as only He can see, Man beloved, whole and free.
Each lamb .
It stands firm as a rock of Truth, bathed in the light of beauty and holiness; as a symbol of firmness, constancy, and care: as a monument to be viewed, approached, and scaled. We viewed the panorama from afar, bowed our heads as the truth dawned in thought, the thought which unfolds in action, as we take the first steps, to reach the foot to begin the ascent.
What went we out to see? Man bound? In prison? Bent with pain or fear? Shut in by walls of doubt, bars of mortality? No. Reflection of God's grace, His wholeness face to face.
As birds flying will He deliver us, not as birds sitting still lethargically chirping on the roost. The child learning to ride will awkwardly sway and topple as long as the bike stands still.
Why should I stand stock-still as timid deer Each time a shadow flutters in my path? A single beam of light And I'm all right— A light that shines right through the darkest fear To prove I'm not a victim of His wrath— The gentle touch of Soul Gives me control. Self-pity cannot draw another tear From me as its unwanted aftermath, For now at last I know With whom I go.
I Samuel 16:7 He looketh on my heart. None but He Examines me, My Father-Mother.
If today he came again what would they say the rich, the comfortable, the established— Away with him, he blasphemeth? This bearded fellow, sandal shod, he's a radical, a rebel, that's what they'd say, he's troublesome, a meddler, a teller of unsettling tales; his simple life accuses men's greed. Still we must hear him.
Each shall inherit the branch of his planting. Each shall feed upon his own pasture.
I loved the word of Holy Writ, admired all those that followed it; and, reading deeds of godly men, identified myself with them; was Moses, Joseph, David, too. Until "the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew.