Questions & Answers
Lord, cleanse my heart from ev'ry secret sin; The lure of self, whence sorrow enters in; False pleasure, dimming consciousness of Thee; And hurrying tasks that daily fetter me. Let me true selfhood seek in knowing Thee, And pleasure find in joy of being free To do Thy will.
When I behold the golden lamps of night Like high-swung censers smoldering in the depths Of darkness measureless, As if to light the way through endless space For spinning sister worlds to navigate Toward a destination felt, not seen, I marvel at the might of Him who guides. When I can feel beneath my burning feet The cool green of the tender springing grass, And in the chestnut buds Can see the armoured sheath and woolly nest Which guard th'incipient seed and spreading leaf, I marvel at the lowliness of Him Who stoops from stars to little blades of grass.
Since time began oft men have longed to know More of the truth, eternal, undefiled, The why of birth, the aftermath of death; And searching, were by mortal mind beguiled. Lo! here at last to fill with truth the void, Comes answer through a woman's travail brought By prayer and absorbing love of good Unselfed, divine, with Spirit's power fraught.
My hope grew faint, for faith was lost in doubt. A clamor filled my world, for mortal mind Was wrestling with each aspect of itself.
What power is this that rocks the world's foundation? Whose voice is this which stirs the troubled night? Whence shone yon star? And oh, what constellation Is half so bright? The battle line of heaven's host extending Its onward march, resistless as the sea— Is this the mighty force which now is rending Earth's lethargy? What is it rocks the insecure foundation? Whose accents those that stir the troubled night? It is the Christ, whose rays of inspiration Shed love and light! Awake in Christ! and oh what sure foundation Have all who follow in its wondrous love, Who know its power, and through its inspiration Hold fast and prove the power from above.
To-day the truth is shining bright Dispelling clouds of error. To-day my eye has caught its gleam; Banished are night and terror.
My thought is stayed on Thee, O God; I cannot be dismayed. Though dark, perplexing, seems the way, Thy child is unafraid.
Father, as little ones we come to Thee; As tender lambs unto the shepherd who, Filled with compassion for their halting steps. Doth stay his own.
Oh , Father, in my heart set firmly There is a hope that Thou art All. Somewhere a "still small voice" is saying, Wilt thou not heed My loving call? This hope brings faith into my bosom, The faith that trusts my all to Thee.
At midnight I will rise to give Thee thanks! Rousing from sleep's deep-sunken lethargy, I grope in darkness, seeking for some light Whose gleam Thy presence shall reveal to me. At midnight—but my flickering lamp I fill With oil of heavenly inspiration, prayer;* And gratitude shall be the incense sweet That permeates with fragrance all the air.