Questions & Answers
Be not afraid! The living God ordains A place and work for you. reflecting Him; Truth frees you from all penalties and pains Of evil's seeming law, or mortal whim.
"Take now thy son,.
A glorious message bravely brought, Was carried on the wings of thought By one who from a couch of pain Christ had restored to health again. And through the pages of a book* This gentle Christian woman took Her message to the famished thought, Which hungered for the truth she brought.
We see the mountain, fair in morning sunlight, The grassy slopes where eager people throng That they may hear from purest lips God's message, And find the truth for which they seek and long. And there, amid the gently swaying lilies, Stands forth the Christly presence, full of grace, Giving to all those rules for holy living, If they, like him, would see the Father's face.
Oh , the beauty and the splendor Of the wondrous works of God, Truth revealing Love's pure healing From the fears and pains of sense, From the dark clouds, drear and dense. How it calms the thought of sorrow, Of all strifes and sins and woes; Of that dread of the to-morrow— One of mortals' worst of foes! From the false sense of creation We must turn to Love divine; There we see our true relation To our Father-Mother, Mind.
There was a time when I was all alone, and days were drear; When thoughts of self had bound my hands, and filled my heart with fear; So far seemed God away, 't were vain to pray that He would guide While I was sore afraid, nor knew that He was at my side. There came a day, while yet I seemed alone, I heard a voice; I knew not whence it came, I only knew it said: Rejoice; Away with every thought of self, and do some kindly deed, And joy to share if but a crust, to meet another's need! Love's voice it was I heard, 't was He that came and took my hand, And gave me strength to bear, and vision clear to understand That joy is just love's ripening grain, the precious priceless seeds Maturing in the human heart through tender, selfless deeds.
" Joseph , arise!—take the young child, and flee, Flee unto Egypt. " Joseph woke, and saw The angel of the Lord beside him—so He stayed not, but arose and wakened them— Dearer than all the world to him become, The babe and Mary.
Through darkest ages past Slowly the world saw light. Thus still it sees, And gropingly moves forward towards the goal.
To speak a word for Thee, O loving Father; And help to set a wandering step aright; Into the bitter wine of life's deep chalice To drop a pearl of thought imbued with healing might. 'T is all we ask of Thee, O loving Father; There is no self in this our humble plea, That Thou wilt use us in Thy service holy, To do Thy perfect will and turn some heart to Thee.
From olden story of three Hebrew youths Into a Babylonian furnace cast, The lesson clear of Science-lighted truths Gleams on our waiting thought to make steadfast Each right resolve, make waning courage strong. 'T was heated seven times, yet from that fire All scatheless they emerged, and mid the throng Of wondering courtiers stood serene.