A glorious message bravely brought,
Was carried on the wings of thought
By one who from a couch of pain
Christ had restored to health again.
And through the pages of a book*
This gentle Christian woman took
Her message to the famished thought,
Which hungered for the truth she brought.
Thus truth was destined to appear,
To quell distress and silence fear,
That error's mansion might be spoiled,
And all its vain pretensions foiled.
And thus released from evil's grasp,
Men are restored to God at last;
And Satan out of heaven is flung,
And healing found, and freedom won.
O day of liberty and life,
How joyful is the end of strife!
The shoutings cease, the guns are dumb;
The day of righteousness is come.
And over all the stubborn night,
Where error's myrmidons had reeled,
Where crashed the cannon, gleaming, bright,
The peace of Truth is now revealed,
Inviting those who seek the Lord
To enter in on Love's reward;
For Love, and Love alone, is found,
Supreme upon the battle ground.
*Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy