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[Written for the Journal]


From the November 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Ah, how sweet the message falls
On listening hearts; like glad resounding walls
They echo it. The voice forever calls:
Arise! Employ your waiting eager hands,
And quickly follow His all-wise demands.

God needs you
To fulfill His perfect plan,
To manifest His love; to prove that man
His image is, since ere the world began.
Without man God would never be expressed;
Mankind would never know His love, His rest.

God needs you!
Faithful be; your work is here,
To heal the broken heart, dry every tear.
The joy of Love is here to-day, so near
That everyone may feel its gentleness,
Its peace, its deep content, its happiness!

God needs you!
Evermore rejoice and sing!
To all the world the joyous message bring!
You are God's child! Take then Love's offering.
Lo, all the woes of earth shall fade away,
For man is one with God to-day—alway.

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