Hushed is the earth! The miracle of morn
Unfolds with splendor; radiant loveliness
Welcomes with silent praise the day newborn—
And bird note blends with east wind's soft caress.
Faint beams of light the crimson clouds pierce through;
The stars, those quiet watchmen of the night,
Withdraw, ere sunshine sweeps the skies of blue
And bathes the universe in glorious light.
Ah, beauteous morn, what joy thy presence brings
To lives redeemed from yesterday's dead past!
New hope awakes to touch thy glad harpstrings
With chords prolonged to make thy glory last.
Thus Truth awakens from the dream of sense
The heart grown weary with its mortal strife;
They which do hunger after righteousness
Are filled, blessed with the radiance of Life.
Earth's fleeting beauties still may come and go,
Yet dawns each morn the knowledge of that day,
Which noon, or night, or tears shall never know;
And in our waking thoughts false views give way
To Truth's green pastures, where, in confidence
And peace and joy, each child of God may share,
With equal rights, the Father's recompense
Of love, and rest in His protecting care.