THROUGH observing the acts of a brood of young chicks the writer learned a lesson in obedience to divine Love. These chicks, with the mother hen, were taken from a coop one summer morning and placed in a pen inclosed in poultry netting. Soon the chicks found a small opening in the wire, which afforded them room to escape and enter an adjoining grassy plot. The mother ran along the inside of the fence and called anxiously to her chicks to return. She continued this performance until late in the day; but they did not heed her call, nor make any attempt to return to her protecting care. They enjoyed the new-mown lawn until time to go to bed, and then they began a search for their mother. But disobedience had temporarily robbed them of their warm nest; for she was prematurely weaned from them, and instead of hovering over them, she went to roost with the grown chickens.
We frequently learn lessons of Truth from human experiences which, in some ways at least, can be applied to questions of a higher order. Mortals can enjoy God's protecting care at all times, if their ears are awake to His loving call. If one does not obey the call of wisdom, he denies himself the blessings due to obedience to divine Love. Mrs. Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 20), "To obey the divine order and trust God, saves retracing and traversing anew the path from sin to holiness." In our seemingly successful hours we may go on in a self-chosen way; but the day of materialism is sure to darken, and the darkness of human belief provides no protection from its chill, cold night of discord.
When thought has wandered from the truth of being through the allurements of material sense, one must sooner or later retrace his steps, because materiality provides no resting place. The homeward journey may seem to reveal only a cold gray dawn, but with each returning step the way will grow brighter. The blessings that divine Love has to bestow ever await our recognition; but there may be a great variety in the motives with which they are sought. In regard to a fitness to receive divine blessings Mrs. Eddy writes on page 322 of Science and Health: "The sharp experiences of belief in the supposititious life of matter, as well as our disappointments and ceaseless woes, turn us like tired children to the arms of divine Love. Then we begin to learn Life in divine Science. Without this process of weaning, 'Canst thou by searching find out God?'" If divine Love is sought from a selfish motive, only to find us returning to disobedience as fresh temptation arises, we are not fitted to receive Love's blessings.