Questions & Answers
Let mortal sense be still; Heed thou the angel thoughts That wonder-winged forever fill The heart receptive to God's will; And know that now and here His perfect work is done; Man in the image of his God Knows naught but God, as Life and Love!
Shall I not take the hand of Him who knows Whither He goes, Tread the far silence of the desert drear, And trust His care Whose love through blackest night still leads me on, Nearer to dawn? Shall I not choose from all within my heart The better part, Knowing that only things that do not die Can satisfy? Shall I not lay my head upon His breast, And in that rest Taste the long promise of the tired years, And lose my tears?
In the dark shadow of the Adam-dream The world still slumbered, wrapped in deepest sleep; Into the darkness of the mortal thought Had penetrated scarce a ray of light. Egypt, enthroned in all her pride of power; In bondage Israel, with all her sons.
We know the wonder of divinest friendship, Although we clasp no loving human hand; We touch the edge of Truth's irradiant garment, When error seems like prison walls to stand. Because within our hearts God's love is gaining, Because in thought unfolds His gracious plan, We view beyond, and far above earth's feigning, The glories of God's earth and heaven and man.
It matters not the way that Thou dost choose to lead: Though rough or smooth the road, Thou art my guide in every need; Though mountain height or valley deep before me lie, No doubt my thought shall fill, nor fear alarm, for Thou art nigh. Though storms may seem to gather on a troubled sea, Thy peace is ever near at hand my frightened sense to free; Thy healing touch brings surcease of all pain, all ill; Thy light a wondrous radiance is, my present need to fill; Thy truth, an ever present shield from error's dart; Thy life, a promise sure of life, where death can have no part; Thy love, an all-encircling presence, here and now, And heaven, a universal harmony, which all may know.
How our thoughts go back in reverence To that holy Christmas day, When in Bethlehem's lowly manger, The sweet infant Jesus lay. Blessed child, so pure and tender, Messenger of Love divine, Come to lift earth's heavy burdens, And bestow Life's bread and wine; Come to show us Love's dear presence Ever shining soft and clear, And to turn our eyes from gazing Into shadows dark and drear; Come to tell us that the Christ, Truth, Dwells in every heart for aye, And that every morn we waken To a new, glad Christmas day!
Dear Christ—'t is thee I seek, Not worldly power or fame; My prayer to breathe by daily deeds Thy blessed, holy name. To know the everlasting arms Enfold me close to-day, And guide each searching footstep Along Life's higher way.
When claims of sense, affrighting, clamorous call, Or by insistent subtlety alarm, Know then Christ's presence to protect from harm, Destroying every thought that would enthrall. "Lo, I am with you alway"—words that fall Compassionate and tender, fraught with calm Perpetual benediction, breathing balm Of reassurance of God's constant care for all.
God is my help, my sure defense; Why should I troubled be, Though seeming shadows close around And claim supremacy? God is my strength in every need; There is no alien power To turn the tide of boundless good that fills each passing hour. God is my Life, my confidence; Here stand I firm and free; The rock of Truth my vantage ground, And good the victory!
Hold Thou my hands, I will not fear to be Where'er Thy perfect wisdom leadeth me. E'en though the rushing torrent roars below, Thou art my strength, I will not fear to go.