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Oh , the angels of His presence! How they cheer us in the gloom! How they raise us out of dullness And reveal to us the fullness Of His love! Make "radiant room" POEMS, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 75    For the angels of His presence! How the angels of His presence Hovered o'er the waiting earth, Bringing peace and joy and gladness, Banishing all fear and sadness, At the blessed Christ-child's birth— Holy angels of His presence! How the angels of His presence Guide us when our footsteps stray; Show us all the joy and beauty Lying in the path of duty; Keep us in the holy way, Blessed angels of His presence! Loving angels of His presence Teach us Christ is ever near; That, while Christmas chimes are pealing, Th' ever present Christ is healing As the truth dawns, full and clear, Through the angels of His presence.


"In this Science, we discover man in the image and likeness of God. We see that man has never lost his spiritual estate and his eternal harmony.


Life, Truth, and Love—O wondrous words! The synonyms of God! The great Jehovah now is known— Not One exalted on a throne, But Life, that is our life indeed, And Truth, by which mankind is freed, And Love, that meets our every need. Life, Truth, and Love—O wondrous words! Our Father-Mother God! (So came the revelation clear, To one whom multitudes revere.


Father, I come to Thee! Thou art my tower, My shaft of shade throughout the noonday hour, Guiding my footsteps to a safe abode, Afar from glaring heat and gleaming road. When fear and doubt are haunting their old prey, And try to pause, to hinder, or delay, I list the undertone of Love's behest: "Come unto me.


Oh , thrush, in the dawn, when that sweet song of yours Such rapture of joy over flood-land outpours, Shall less faith be mine, little friend, than is thine? No! I'll fling open my thanksgiving doors!


Oh , build your home on the mountain height, On the peak of inspiration, Where gleams the dawn of a heavenly light; Where Truth, its strong foundation Untouched by tempests of mortal thought, Upholds the structure divinely wrought. Oh, build your home with a song of praise, With the stones from Spirit's quarry; In grace and beauty the structure raise, From its base to topmost story, Each thought reflecting the Mind above And held in place by cement of love.


This is God's day—the day that He hath made. We will be glad, and will rejoice in it.


Dost long for love? Then go to Him from whom alone love comes. He 's waiting with a brimming cup for all earth's thirsty ones.


Wouldst thou know, the peace and comfort Of a life from sorrow free? Dry thy tears, and cease from sighing; Lo, 'tis God that healeth thee! Wouldst thou know the richest blessings Human heart can e'er behold? Take thy cross and bear it, brother; Thus will sweeter joys unfold. Up and onward; courage, brother! Lo, the ripened harvest see; Enter in, thy task is waiting; "As thy days thy strength shall be.


What God sees I can see, and that alone. Oh, fact divine! Oh, everlasting truth! These waves of mortal thought, Surging and lashing high, I cannot see; they are not in God's sight, So not in mine.