Testimonies of Healing
My Darling Teacher : I have only just returned to Grand Ledge, from Newark, N. Y.
Christian Science Journal : After 10 years of invalidism, from dyspepsia, cough, and asthma, in their most severe forms, I was recently brought to death's door, by what physicians call gastric fever. I had so little power of resistance left, that there seemed no hope that I could rally, the suffering from the inflamed stomach and throat being so great that I could eat nothing, and could talk only as I continually moistened my lips.
Being of a bilious temperament, I have for years been sick every three months. This spring, I was taken very severely with bilious fever and sore throat.
Mrs. M.
" When that which is a duty becomes the highest delight of a man—the joy of his very being, he no more thinks or needs to think about it as a duty. ".
Quite a little flurry of excitement has been raised in town by some remarkable cures effected on prominent parties well known here, by one Filbert, of Council Bluffs, who assumes to heal by "Christian Science. " Mrs.
Dear Journal :—About twelve years ago I was attacked with rheumatism in my knees and ankles. A doctor was called, but he did me no good.
Dear Journal :—I would like to add my testimony as to what understanding will do in case of accident. I fell with a lighted lamp in my hand the entire length of a flight of stairs, landing in a heap at the foot in a narrow hall, against which I struck with such force that my first thought was, "I have broken my back.
Dear Journal :—I wish to bear testimony to the great benefit our daughter received from treatment by Mrs. A.
Dear Journal :—I consider it a duty I owe to the world in giving my testimony to the efficacy and virtue of Christian Science. I had been afflicted with that dread disease consumption when I heard of the great cures, Dr.