Testimonies of Healing
Dear Journal :—I read with interest your columns, and as I have heretofore been a great sufferer, I wish to show to the public what Christian Science has done for me. I was an invalid for over four years, and was a very great sufferer all the time, not being for one moment without the most intense pain.
A lady , who has attended the services of the Church of Christ for quite a long time, and who has read Mrs. Eddy's books thoroughly, but who has not otherwise been a student of Christian Science, or practised healing publicly, has made some remarkable cures, which, for the good of the cause, she desires through your columns to make known.
With heartfelt gratitude for the blessed truths that through you have been manifest, and as a slight token of sincere affection, we take advantage of this most joyous period— the commemoration of Christ's nativity, when the heart of the Christian world is brought to a more acute sense of the munificence of God's goodness, and in loving ecstasy throbs with praise and adoration of the Father's boundless and overflowing love, as exemplified through the Son, to convey to you the happy greetings, of a few earnest followers, gathered together in His and thy name—a Bible-and-Science class, holding its conclave here beneath the shadows of this far-away "dome of the continent. " To him who is Life, Love and Truth— Father, Son and Holy Spirit—do we first and above all, owe devotion and praise.
Dear Journal: —On Friday morning, Dec. 17, I fell down stairs and sprained my foot very badly.
Dear Journal : —On Dec. 23, while making a call, I was in the act of shutting a door, when turning quickly I twisted my ankle, something gave way in my knee, and I fell fainting to the floor.
Dear Journal: —Knowing the interest now being felt in Christian Science, and how glad people are to hear of cures, I will relate, briefly as possible, the particulars of a case which came under my care last winter. Not that I am a more wonderful healer than others, but naturally know more about my own cases than of others.
My Dear Teacher: —I have for some time been trying to write this letter, for felt that you would be glad to hear how I am succeeding, as well as to learn that Christian Science is attracting attention in Rochester. I send you an account of a few cases I have healed, some absent, others here.
It is with pleasure I submit the following testimony, that others may know of the wonderful healing power in Christian Science. About one year ago, my wife had growing under her tongue something like a tumor; we paid no attention to it at first, thinking it would pass away, but it grew quite large and began to affect her speech.
My Dear Cousin A. —Your letter of 13th inst.
Mrs. Eddy: I wish to testify, through the columns of the Journal, what Christian Science has done for me, through the healing power of Miss S.