Testimonies of Healing
"And ye shall know the Truth, And the Truth shall make you free. " We hear the inquiry, What will Christian Science do in case of accident? the theory sounds well, but the application is what I want.
Dear Journal :—I take great pleasure in acknowledging a thorough cure of a bone-felon, on the index-finger of my left hand, by a single treatment from Miss Sara Emma Grey, of this city. I had suffered for nearly three weeks with excruciating pain, and had two doctors.
Dear Mrs. Eddy: It seems like "hiding light under a bushel" not to let others know what Christian Science has done for me.
In July of last year, my little daughter, four years old, walked into a hornet's nest in a blueberry swamp, and was quickly covered by the hornets. She was very badly stung, before anyone could reach her.
My little boy, eleven years of age, dedicated his new axe by splitting his foot, the forward end of the blade going very nearly through the skin on the under side. It bled much and fast.
My Aunt, seventy-five years of age at that time, was healed of a varicose ulcer of thirty-four years standing, during which she had been treated by the best of physicians. It was a hard battle of a little over three months; but at last solid flesh came in place of corruption, and has remained until now, sixteen or seventeen months.
Dear Journal : I wish to send in my bunch of grapes. I was suffering from a very bad difficulty, which at first physicians called ulceration of the stomach; but afterwards a large bunch was formed, and they pronounced it to be a cancer.
Dear Journal : Let me mention the case of a man addicted to the use of liquor and tobacco in great excess, especially the latter. The belief in liquor was dispelled in less than a month: and the belief in tobacco, seemingly much harder to yield, has at last given way; and to-day the man stands "clothed and in his right mind," to the delight of all who know him.
The many friends of Miss Emma E. Davis, of Auburn, are much rejoiced to hear of her recovery from a severe illness, which has confined her to her bed for thirteen years, during which time she has been attended by some of our ablest physicians, who have pronounced her case incurable.
My Dear Mrs. Eddy : Having read some of the testimonials published in the Christian Science Journal, from those who have been healed by treatments under Christian Science, I became strongly impressed that I ought to bear my testimony to the remarkable redemption I have experienced through the treatments of one of your students, Mrs.