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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

J. S.

New York City

Mrs. Lathrop: Dear Madam,—In compliance with your request, I cheerfully submit the following as a brief statement of my case.

Boston Case

I would like to acknowledge, through the Journal, what Christian Science has done for me. I was taken suddenly ill at my place of business.

Brooklyn, New York

About three months ago, yielding to the urgent solicitations of friends, I placed myself under the treatment of Mrs. Laura Lathrop, C.

Binghampton, New York

The sudden recovery of Conrad Kies, a well-known barber, who was supposed to be dying of kidney-disease, has roused the attention of the citizens to Christian Science. A representative of The Elmira Tidings investigated the matter, and found himself confronted with many cures, wrought not by drugs, electricity, spiritualism, faith, mind-cure, mesmerism, nor massage, but through Christian Science, which he thus defines:— The healing power is God, as demonstrated by Christ and the apostles.


In an exchange we read of a patient who was cured of a paroxysm of sneezing, by being shown an artificial flower, neither perfumed nor medicated. This shows how powerful is thought over physical conditions.

Doncaster, Maryland

Dear Friend :—I am thankful to inform you that, since your treatments, I feel like another person. I am improving rapidly, I can discover it daily.

Heart of the Commonwealth

We have read with interest the cases reported monthly in the Journal, unmindful that others may be equally interested in the work in Worcester. As we all like to watch the results of Truth when applied to the dear little children, I will give a few cases.

An alleged faith-cure, in South Orange, N. J.

A curious instance of the power of the imagination is reported from Marlboro, Mass. A leg of a woman had been amputated, and buried one month.