Testimonies of Healing
Dear Madam : I have been a sickly person all my life, until a few months ago, and was confined to my bed every little while. It was during one of many attacks that your book, Science and Health, was handed me.
Dear Journal : For encouragement to all suffering with disease, I wish to give my testimony as to what Christian Science has done for me. I can not speak too highly in its praise.
Mr. Editor : Have you space in the columns of your Journal where I may add my testimony for the cause of Christian Science.
This lady—a prominent member of the Baptist Church, and president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union for her county—was a member of the May class at Mrs. Eddy's Metaphysical College.
Last June I was healed, in twenty minutes, of prostration of the nerves, of nine years' standing, by one of your Normal students, S. J.
Dear Journal: I wish to give my testimony as to what Christian Science has done for me, as demonstrated by G. B.
Dear Journal : I am a student, in Christian Science, of Mrs. M.
For fifteen years I have had a stomach-trouble, which baffled the skill of the best physicians in New Hampshire. Medicine failed to remove the cause of the most distressing vomiting spells, which would last days and nights, till it seemed as if I could not live.
Dear Journal : I love to read your pages. As I have been a great sufferer, I wish to give my testimony in favor of Christian Science, for what it has done for me and my family, through treatments given by Mrs.
Here is a case to be considered. A Miss P.