Testimonies of Healing
I think it my duty, for the benefit of suffering humanity, and the credit of Christian Science, to make the following statement. I have been afflicted for years with five tumors about my neck, and one on my cheek, and have been under the physician's care for months.
Colorado. A case of inflammation of the stomach had been given up by the regular physicians.
A young man had his little toe-joint badly cut by a sharp piece of lead falling upon it, making an ugly wound. Through the treatment of Christian Science he went to his work every day, walking two miles each way, without soreness, swelling, or blood-poisoning as a result.
A Lady who, during five years, had suffered from violent hemorrhages, and for nearly two years had been unable to stand alone, was cured in six weeks.
A boy, fourteen years of age, who had what the physicians called granulated eyes, and had not been able to see for ten years, was cured in seven weeks. E.
A little girl, only six years old, had become filled with the ideas of Christian Science, by hearing her mother and friends talk about it. One evening her father came home with a sick-headache.
A lady, who had suffered from dyspepsia for many years, was permanently cured of it, in one treatment. M.
I recently received a letter from a stranger in a neighboring State, saying that he had for years been troubled with catarrh, biliousness, and dyspepsia, and desired treatment. I sold him Science and Health, and commenced treating him in his absence.
Catarrh, cured in one treatment. Cancer on the face, badly broken out, cured in four weeks.