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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.


Rupture , with severe pain, healed in three days. A woman who had suffered several years with a running sore on her ankle, and could not wear a shoe, found the pain relieved and the sore healed in sixteen days.

Hartford, Conn.

For several years I have suffered with rheumatism and neuralgia. After having tried several doctors, without receiving any benefit, I almost despaired of ever being well again.

A Catholic Convert

I was born and brought up in the Catholic faith. From the age of ten years I was a great sufferer from chronic catarrh.

Letter from a Patient

My Dear Friend : I do not know what to write first; I have so much to say, but will write of the subject uppermost in my thoughts. I have received a beautiful letter from Mrs.

Lexington, Kentucky

My dear teacher : I have been treating a case of bronchitis, incipient consumption, catarrh, and other troubles, with good and permanent results. The death-knell of medicine is tolling.

Testimony from Lisbon, N. H.

I have been deaf some fifteen or twenty years, and for seven or eight years have not been able to hear anything through my left ear. I could not hear a watch tick close to that ear.

Three Cases

A lady in Chelsea had nervous prostration and severe stomach-trouble, and her throat was much affected. The condition of the patient was such that the door-bell had not been rung for weeks, and she could not bear to have a person in the room long enough for more than the necessary attendance.

East Douglas, Mass

Dear Madam :—Mrs. Avery recommended your paper to me, and I should like to take it.


For the benefit of persons fearing tooth-extraction, I give the following. A relative, of rare courage, had suffered tortures from operations at the hands of several skilful dentists, both with and without the administration of gas, so that her regular dentist kindly requested her never to call upon him again for service, as the teeth were locked, and she was liable to breakage of the jaw in the attempt to remove them.


My Dear Sister in Science : I send you a check for use, as you think wisest, in the cause of Truth. I feel like thanking God every day of my life, that I have met and learned from you something of Christian Science.