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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

The same practitioner had the care of...

The same practitioner had the care of a lady seventy-four years old, a chronic dyspeptic, who had not taken anything beyond two spoonfuls of liquid food at a time. After the first treatment she was able to eat bread, and a few treatments more convinced her that she could eat anything, and "ask no questions for conscience sake.

My wife was troubled with nervous...

My wife was troubled with nervous prostration, dropsy, etc. ; was as low as she could be; had been under the doctor's care for four years when we called in Mrs.

As a testimonial to the healing efficacy...

As a testimonial to the healing efficacy of "Truth properly taught and understood. " I will give one item of personal experience.

I was called to a case which the physician...

I was called to a case which the physician had pronounced paralysis of the throat. The patient could swallow no food without throwing much of it back through the nose, and was unable to utter but one intelligible word, viz.

In the Sept. Christian Science Journal , I noticed particularly the article Teachers of Metaphysics.

A very serious case of kidney trouble...

A very serious case of kidney trouble yielded readily under my treatment. The patient had been afflicted five years; suffered constantly with back-ache; was in despair of getting assistance; had no faith in C.

I was almost totally blind, and suffered...

Chelsea, Mass. I was almost totally blind, and suffered such agony with one eye as only those who saw me can imagine.

Dear Readers : I do not like to speak of my cases, but so much is said that I will submit one or two for the encouragement of doubters. A case of chronic dysentery I healed in three treatments.

One of my patients had been given...

[Names and addresses of practitioners and patients noted below furnished on application to Mrs. E.

Dear "Journal"

Dear " Journal ": — I notice in our community that those who practise the Science taught at your College do more than heal the sick with it; they change dispositions, correct inherited tendencies, make unhappy people happy, and divest morbid people of sick fancies. Curious changes are wrought in selfish and bigoted people, and some remarkable cures have been effected in mentally unsound minds.