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From the October 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"In the beginning;" when the particles of nebulous matter without form and void, were moulded into earth, when the spirit of good drew aside the curtains of long night, calling light, life, and beauty into being with the trees and flowers, the grasses and herbs, and giving life to all animated creation, He said, "Let us make man in our image, and after our likeness." "So God created man in His own image."

If we are to accept this statement, that man is created in the image of God, in order to become acquainted with ourselves, we must have a true conception of God. There are very many gods from which to make a selection. There are thousands of gods in heathen lands carved and chiseled in wood and stone. There are the gods worshiped in the dark ages, whose devotees thought they did that which was pleasing in the sight of their divinity when they committed horrible outrages against each other. There is the God of the persecutors of the Quakers and the so-called witches. And still later on we find other gods—the golden calf of Wall street, gods of avarice, of pride, of fashion; gods as material and vicious and senseless as ever cursed a world; gods on whose altar as many have been sacrificed as to the gods of heathendom.

If we reject all these gods, and accept the definition given us by the Master of Life, Jesus the Christ, we are led to this,—You and I are Spirit. For Jesus says that the true "God is Spirit." If we (you and I) are made in the "image and likeness of God,"—if we are like Him, we also are Spirit.

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