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From the August 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear readers! Having to bid you adieu for a season, I am reminded of the poet's mood who said, "Tis parting makes the heart grow fonder." Over a year has fled since first we met in the columns of the "Journal," through which some crumbs may have fallen from the Master's table to feed a hungry thought with the manna of Truth. I hope this year of our acquaintance has passed pleasantly with you all, fled with noiseless footsteps that only tread on flowers. I hope the future of our paper will reward your hopes, and its past shortcomings be forgotten. Owing to manifold duties I have not been able to interest my readers as I otherwise could, but have accomplished the same for this little sheet I have for all the organizations of Christian Scientists, started it, and gratuitously on my part, cheered by the hope of doing some good through its columns, touching one heart with hope, healing one that suffers, and giving fresh thoughts to all. You will continue to hear from me occasionally.

The Journal will be issued monthly from this date, and I have the pleasure of introducing to my readers its new and able editor, Mrs. Emma Hopkins. Being over a year old and done creeping, I shall expect my nursling to stand very erect and walk another year, ''and having done all, stand," whose feet are beautiful on the mountains.

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