The courage of right convictions is not to be despised, neither should the boldness of bad ones be overlooked. We should always carefully discriminate between the two. Truth requires no argument to make itself felt, but error is bombastic, and needs to carry on a noisy warfare in asserting its claims, or else it would sink into oblivion at once, for its claim is but an assertion.
But what is the warfare? Something more mythical than all the pagan lore; something wherein error seeks to decrown Deity, and shouts, "I wear the insignia of Truth! That which was Truth was not Truth. I, the lie, am greater than God!"
The test of Truth is severe. Who can distinguish between that and error? There is no sophistry about Science. Apparently it is not always pleasant or acceptable to the mortal sense; yet we should always remember that there is no reality in the mortal sense of things. Our reasons are as substantial as the sand hills blown about by the wind, when they seek to pervert Truth.