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From the August 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The new movement, known as that of the " Christian Scientists," has, on account of certain superficial resemblances on particular points, been confounded by many with that of mesmerism and spiritual mediumship. . . . Christian science, properly so called, embraces all questions relating to the perfection of the health and morals of mankind. The Christian Scientists are a thoroughly organized body, having a chartered church and college, where the religious and remedial bearings of Christian science are systematically taught. The broad distinction between this system and those of spiritualism mediumship and animal magnetism, is this, that Christian science is essentially metaphysical and spiritual, while these other methods are wholly physical and material in character. The discoverer and founder of the system and practice of Christian science is Mrs. Mary B. G. Eddy. The success and popularity which have attended her labors have led to the forming of hostile divisions or factions, the promoters of which, resting upon a physical or mesmeric basis, have claimed that they work out the same results that accompany the administration of truth through the spiritual understanding of the divine law, by which alone the Christian scientists heal the sick. The Master prophesied: "There shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and they shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect." These methods of the physical or mesmeric character only cover up the patient's disease, by impressing him with the belief that his physical complaint is cured, while the sin remains. This is not the method which Jesus taught and demonstrated, for that is characterized by the language, "Go, and sin no more." The removal of the underlying moral cause of disease constitutes the subtle difference between the method of Christian science, and the various methods contemporary with it. One who is regarded as authority in the mesmeric method affirms, in a textbook called "Mental Medicine," that in the practice of mental healing it is essential that an adequate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of man, especially of the nervous system, be had. The difference of the position of the Christian Scientists is notable, as is indicated by this extract from their text-book: "Anatomy has never defined man as created by God, a spirit. It explains man as created materially instead of spiritually; it explains him through the lowest instead of the highest conception of being. It defines man as matter and mind, as originating from, and dependent upon, matter for every function. The call for physiology is the result of a greater faith in matter than in spirit. The fundamental principle of Christian science is that there is no life, substance or intelligence in matter. Spirit is immortal truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is God, and man is his image and likeness; hence man is spiritual and not material." Mesmerists, with no claim to morals or spirituality as the basis of their methods, control their subjects, and they follow their personal direction. Such methods are material and sensual, precisely the opposite of Christian science. The founder of Christian science says: "The power of mind should only be exercised by the higher faculties. The will should be curbed by the sentiments, or it will hold the reins, misguide the judgment and let loose the propensities. Will-power is capable of all evil, and can never heal the sick, for it is the prayer of the unrighteous. But the exercise of the higher sentiments —hope, joy and love—is the prayer of the righteous; and their action, governed by science instead of sense, is the prayer that heals the sick."

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