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Testimonies of Healing


From the March 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the February number of this Journal was a record of two cures, wrought through the influence of Mrs. G. P. Noyes. The cases were genuine, though it is but just to say that the account was sent to us without Mrs. Noyes's knowledge. There was one error, however, which requires correction. In connection with the case of Mrs. Mary Boyles, of Highland Park, the words were added, "Reference, Rev. Mr. Soule." Mr. Soule's name was used by Mrs. Noyes in quite a different way, simply as the gentleman to whose care letters to Mrs. Boyles might be addressed; and this was not furnished for print, but for the private satisfaction of an inquirer. Mr. Soule is unable to reply to the inquiries which come to him from many quarters on the subject, and would naturally prefer that they should be addressed to the proper parties.

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