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From the March 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following is from the San Francisco Alta:—

Mrs. Charles has been for years a great sufferer from neuralgia, and at one time was attacked with congestion of the brain. From a gradually failing sight the lady, three or four months ago, lost entirely the use of her eyes, and became, as it was thought, hopelessly blind. Expert medical attendants failed to effect any relief, and gave the lady little hope of ever regaining her sight. Recently the sudden and alarming cry of Fire rang from the lips of one of her daughters. Realizing her imminent peril, in the despair with which a drowning man grasps at a straw, the lady made an effort to open her eyes. The long-unused nerves responded to her will. The alarm proved to be without foundation, but the lady is now enjoying comparatively good sight, and the impression prevails that she will fully recover.

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