The regular meeting of the Association was held in the Chapel of Tremont Temple, Wednesday afternoon, September 5. Brother Alfred Lang was chosen to preside, and the session was then opened in the usual manner, with prayer. The meeting was largely attended by the members, who manifested much interest in the important questions considered. The business being concluded, the Good of the Cause was in order. Our Models was the subject presented by the speaker, who thought that every true Christian Scientist, and there are no others, desired to attain the standard of instantaneous healing, which indeed is a worthy object; but to attain this standard, one must be conscious of an identity which is not driven about by every wind of doctrine. The leading characteristic of such a model must be love,—that love which enabled Jesus to speak with authority, the love which seeks another's good, and not the worker's personal aggrandizement. Jealousy, hate, a desire for leadership, and a disposition to claim another's discovery as one's own, are unknown to the love that heals instantly. The model Christian Scientist has a cause to work for, and recognizes the Leader whom God has chosen for this age.
At the close of the speaker's remarks, which were listened to with close attention, several spoke of the encouraging signs of the times.
Members present from Chicago and Brooklyn gave gratifying accounts of the progress of the Cause in their respective cities. Their local associations are increasing in numbers and interest; and never were their steadfastness in the work, and their loyalty greater to the Cause,—and to Mrs. Eddy as its Leader.