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Testimonies of Healing


From the October 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My Dear Teacher: Truth is manifest in its fruit. A gentleman called to ask if rupture could be cured. After talking a few minutes with me he went away; but before going to his boarding-place for the night, he went into the stable and removed his truss, telling his friend that even while talking with me he had the evidence within himself that he was healed.

Another gentleman called to obtain Science and Health for his wife, who had received two treatments, and was benefited so much that she dismissed her servant. He said his shoulder troubled him continually, and was never free from pain. He had no time then for treatment, but if I remained, he would like to be treated. In the morning, what was his surprise to find himself free from his torment. With all his wriggling and twisting he could feel none of his former trouble.

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