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Testimonies of Healing


From the July 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

No words can express my gratitude to God for the blessings received through Christian Science. For many years I had poor health, from kidney-disease and other complications, and gradually grew worse, until I became completely bedridden. After having doctored regularly five years, exhausting the skill of many of our best physicians, — whose different opinions I will not pretend to report, for fear I should fill the Journal, — I concluded that I would give up medicine, in March, 1887, and I found that my health was none the worse for the change. Eight or nine months after this we heard of a Christian Scientist, C. M. Howe, at St. Joseph, Mo., and immediately my parents consulted him on my case. When Mr. Howe first visited me, Dec. 27, 1887, I had been kept in my bed nearly three-and-a-half years, during which time I could lie in one position only. I could sit up only long enough to have my bed made, and sometimes not so long as that, and I could walk but a few steps, with a cane. After the first present treatment I was able to walk alone, without assistance; and I improved so rapidly that ere long I was able to sit up all the time.

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