A gentleman who came to me for treatments, was unable to attend to business; had been treated by the M. D.'s, for several years, and was an honest, sincere member of a popular church. Science and Health, was loaned him, and some tracts were given to read. He said he could read only a few lines at a time without extreme suffering. I told him he would be able to read Christian Science literature. In three weeks he was well; said he could do as much as he ever could in his life. Science and Health was returned, and he seemed grateful for the benefit received; but was not ready to leave his church and accept Christian Science as laid down in Science and Health. He accepted the healing of Christian Science, but thought the rest could be found in the church where he had been so long. That is, he had learned how Christ healed, and hoped to teach others in the church that divine healing could be done to-day the same as eighteen hundred years ago. To this it was replied that it was the theology of Christian Science that healed.
At the end of four months, he returned and said, "I am just as bad as ever; have been to a doctor, but he does me no good. Will you treat me again?" He did not respond to treatments quite as readily this time, but was soon able to attend to business again. He then went to the Christian Science church and Sunday school' and showed quite an interest in the teachings received there. His former church rebuked him, said it was of the devil; and he gradually drifted back into the old thought, and consequently into his old beliefs.