"He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom." (Isa. xl. 11.)
In the study of the Bible lessons we were carefully taught by our teacher that only through humility, and willing obedience to Truth, could we become disciples of Christ; and, "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." In earnest desire to bring this child-thought more clearly to the consciousness of the students, and feeling the crying need of the little ones for spiritual teaching, a Christian Science Sunday School was opened May 1889—with one teacher and three pupils—to study the Bible and Science and Health.
A strong interest in the work, led some to the missionary thought; and with the thought, came the desire to act, hence the result. The third Sunday following, three classes were formed, with a total number of scholars, eighteen: teachers, three; and during the year, the interest never flagged. In the early summer of 1890, the need of systematized work in the school was felt. Accordingly, on June 22d. a Superintendent was elected, and all settled down to actual work in demonstrating the principles of Christian Science; feeling sure that the Infinite Love "overlies,, underlies, and encompasses all true being." To-day, we have a membership of thirty scholars, all under the age of fifteen; each endeavoring to till his own soil and pull out his own weeds. Only three of this number are in the homes of Scientists, and the large majority were brought in through missionary work. Comparing the school with our Sunday morning congregation, it is nearly three-fourths as large, and will soon outnumber the latter; as the children have the true missionary spirit, and are eager to work. One little girl of seven gathers her friends in her own home every Sabbath afternoon, and teaches them what she herself has learned in the Sabbath School.