I have thought perhaps I was neglecting my duty, in not writing you occasionally something of our thought and motive.
The work is progressing nicely at this place. In belief, we frequently meet stumbling blocks in our way; yet we try to, and do surmount them, by keeping our consciousness filled with Love. We have found to be true this statement of our Mother: "The greatest of the three enemies we as Scientists have to meet, is the one within our own consciousness"; and we also, time and again, have proven the truthfulness of her words when she gave the remedy: "Watch your thoughts." While we are doing this, the antagonisms of the world—yes, and the seeming failures of our own little band—do not seem so real.
We have regular church service every Sabbath at 10.30 a. m.; Sabbath School at 11.30; and Bible reading every Sabbath evening at 7.30. The latter are conducted the same as the Church service; except, in place of preaching, references from the Bible and Science and Health, on some subject previously given out, are read and talked upon by all. They are very interesting; and we sometimes have a hundred in attendance.