Doubtless readers of the Journal will rejoice to learn of the unprecedented sale of the New Book. In less than one month, there have been sold three thousand copies of the regular, Cloth Binding, together with two-hundred-and-fifty of the (gilt-edged) Flexible Binding. A copy of the latter is indeed a treasure. The regular type is used, and the same number of pages given; yet the India paper, narrower margin, and flexible cover, combine to produce a much smaller, lighter, as well as handsomer volume,—one eminently durable, and gratifying both to possess and to use.
Bible Lessons: The New Revision of Science and Health not being in print at time of preparing the Quarterly for April, references in that issue are necessarily confined to the two editions heretofore in use. With regard to the July Quarterly, however, it is the present intention to refer to the Revised Edition.
Sing unto the Lord a new song, (Ps.96:1) for this is a year of rejoicing. Never was the demand for a new song-book so urgent as to-day—and this is just the time to send in your hymn. The committee has already spent much time in preparing the new hymnal, and, if each one will furnish a hymn immediately, the book will undoubtedly be completed this year.