What is meant in Luke 3:38, when it calls Jesus "the son of Adam, which was the son of God." I don't understand the meaning. Please answer through the Journal, and greatly oblige—
In verse twenty-three, occurs the important, parenthetical thought governing the entire mortal-mind array to the end of the chapter. "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph." The whole structure of error is here obviously based upon supposition merely.
Adam, the claim of intelligent matter, according to Webster signifies "original sin;" the fruits of which are sickness, death,— all manner of evil. God is not the author of evil for in the first chapter of Genesis, where we have an account of the Creation, we find that God finished his work, and pronounced it "very good." In the order of Divine Harmony, like produces like; hence Spirit, God, does not create matter, evil. In fact, instead of fathering, or even sanctioning it, God, Good, said to evil, "thou shalt surely die"—not that man shall die, for man is spiritual; but the sense of evil shall die.