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"Cast thy burden upon the Lord."

From the June 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Cast thy burden upon the Lord." As we discern more and more the Love that is God, we see not only the privilege but the necessity of laying all our burdens on Him; and we are learning, little by little, how to do it. We have thought we were able to carry our own burdens, have boasted of our independence; yet the most independent one of us is not independent in the least thing, even of his fellowmen. Man must lean, for he is not self-existent. He must lay his burdens upon someone or something besides himself; for, with all his boasted power, he so often comes face to face with his own impotence, that even in his hours of seeming security fear is his constant companion.

Paul admonished the Galatians to "bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." This would seem to conflict with Peter's words about "casting all your care on him, for he careth for you." Study of the context, however, —accompanied by demonstration, —shows us that Paul's words, even taken literally, mean that in fulfilling the "law of Christ" we do lift burdens from other's shoulders, by simply casting our own on Him. Your burdens have been mine, and mine have been yours so long, that when each begins to put his own where they belong, is it any wonder that the weary heart's gratitude leaps to eye and lip in the glad cry: "Brother, I thank thee!"

Let us enumerate some of the burdens that man, while in ignorance of God, thinks he must carry. He has the burden of sustenance, clothing, shelter, health, friendship, affection, intelligence, peace, justice, honor, strength, power,—salvation. Christian Science is teaching many how to cast their burdens all on the Lord. Many are learning to cast on Him the burden of sustenance, clothing, shelter and health. It is being shown us that, in Truth, God has provided all things for us; because each of His ideas is eternally sustained in its identity, individuality, perfection and harmonious relation to every other idea. This much we are gaining, but let us look farther.

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