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From the June 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IS there anything in the Bible or Science and Health to justify the idea that healing is a lower thought in Science, which Scientists outgrow? Is there anything in the example of the Apostles or Jesus that warrants it? As to the example of Jesus, examining Robinson's Harmony of the Gospels, in which the events are chronologically arranged, we find that Jesus healed almost up to the last month of his ministry.

This adverse thought may have been occasioned by the fact that healing is one of the first steps to take in demonstrating Christian Science; also by the fact that a smaller degree of spiritual realization suffices, at first, to heal than to teach; but it does not follow from this that the advanced Christian Scientist outgrows healing sickness, any more than the astronomer outgrows arithmetic. The author of Science and Health says, in the Journal of Dec. '89, that "less teaching and good healing is to-day the acme of well done"; also," without the cross and healing, Christianity has no central emblem, no history"; again," the students who heal by teaching, and teach by healing, will graduate under divine honors which are the only appropriate seals of Christian Science."

Healing is a most wholesome corrective of an abnormal and inflated growth. It prevents the Scientist from degenerating into a self-conceited theorist; from wandering off into theosophical vagaries; from substituting dilutions of mortal thought for the teachings of Science and Health; from seeking originality at the expense of humility and truth. Is it not noticeable that Scientists who excuse themselves from healing, on the ground that their time is all taken up with other work in Science, not long after, either fall into errors that subject them to severe rebuke, or cease to be loyal Scientists?

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