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From the June 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

PAUL tells us in Hebrews xi. 10: "For he looketh for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God."

Divine Science is the true educator of mankind; hence, there must be individual recognition of the Principle which underlies all superstructure. Without fundamental truth, there can be no growth worthy of earnest; effort for growth which springs from a false basis cannot sustain itself, except for a short period. Imperfections soon begin to appear; and, although we may temporarily drown the discord by another belief of this false claimant, imperfection again presents itself. However strong our determination to hold fast to that which is about us, we gradually lose our confidence in it, and intuitively reach out for something more enduring. Since the time of Abraham, there has been a search for the basis or foundation of true character building.

The Patriarch 'looked for a city which hath foundations,'— faith in the eternal Principle, Good. A city is filled with all sorts of people. Some are happy, others sorrowful. Some are strong and helpful, and do much toward untangling the snarls of the intemperate, disorderly ones. Many are cultured and delightful, and one desires to spend much time in their company; while others, we hurry past, trying to forget the sight.

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