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Outline of a sermon preached in Chickering Hall, by the Pastor of the Church of Christ (Scientist) Boston

From the June 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed; for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. 2 John i. 10, 11.

FROM many quarters comes the charge that Christian Scientists are altogether too narrow; that they are exclusive and sectarian; that they are not willing to allow those who differ from themselves a chance. It is also alleged that, with all our claims to Christlike charity and humility, we are equally as narrow and intolerant as are those in the most ultra of Orthodox churches; that with all our talk against the strait-laced opinions and views of members of these churches, we ourselves are more bitter and intolerant than it is possible for them to be. This, of course, is regarded as sheer hypocrisy, since if true, we are not putting into practice what we preach; and we are told that we should not decry exaction and intolerance in others, when we mean to be more exacting and intolerant than they are, or can be. These are grave charges which should be met. If substantiable, our course should at once be altered. Suppose we scan that course in the light of Principle, and see what are the facts concerning it.

Three minor points, considered first, may aid us somewhat in definitely presenting the main question.

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