I WAS not sensible of giving through the July Journal the impression, relative to my teaching, that some students have evidently received; one that causes them to feel that they do not wish to teach, if this prevents their students from entering Mrs. Eddy's classes. Now dear ones, all, in my notice I meant simply this: If I were to teach, I should do as I said,— but did not mean that I intended to resume class teaching. One more Normal class will close my engagements, and then is time to talk about "what next." This class will be opened when I think the students are ready for it, and these shall be duly informed of the date of commencement. Send no more applications to be taught by me. No person must expect to see me without a previous appointment, through my secretary, C. A. Frye.
July 10, 1892.
From the August 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal