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From the August 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FROM the first I heard of Christian Science, I was sure that there was a great deal of truth in the system; but it was months after its first mention to mo that I was led to Science AND Health, and convinced of its absolute goodness. When I have thought of the gentle guidance which led me all this time, it has shown to me the error of trying to force others into the understanding of genuine Christian Science. Step by step, working honestly and earnestly at the problem, I was led to reject the falsities presented in the name of Christian Science, and to accept its true significance. It seems to me that in no circumstance was I more favored than in this — that it I was allowed to go through my own mental processes without interference; for since, in my ignorance, I have attempted to get the assent of others to that which they did not understand, and I have also been persuaded to give such assent myself. The result, in each case, has been disastrous, tending only to retard true demonstration; so, I have been led to see that the only way to destroy error is by bringing Truth to the recognition. Truth alone, accepted, understood and demonstrated individually, can make us really free. Rebuke to error, does not always mean censure of the individual who brings it to our notice — to do this may be only to add to a burden already heavy — nor does it mean overwhelming him with our advice as to the course lie should pursue. "Fools rush boldly in where angels fear to tread." As much as we actually understand we shall be able to impart, but no more; and we must act as divinely guided, with humility, tact and sympathy.

When I had been reading Science AND Health several months, a very remarkable experience came to me; similar, I suppose, to the influx of light that comes to many in class instruction. I was lifted completely off the ordinary plane of my thought. All nature, every circumstance, every phase of life, assumed a new complexion. I ate and slept very little, and the cold weather, prevailing at the time, I scarcely noticed. The whole day was at my disposal, and I spent hours daily in reading Science AND Health; not as a duty, nor with any sense of compulsion, but spontaneously. Certainly it was to me a period of transfiguration; nor has its influence ever ceased, although it may seem to mortal sense that "the glory" has passed away,—
"To fade into the light of common day,"

By degrees, ordinary interests and ordinary duties came in; and after a time I became so occupied with domestic affairs such as, for the most part, we count "merely material," that, had it not been for Science, I should not have been able to accomplish the tasks each day brought. But, with this aid, I have proved God's sufficiency in all things; and many of life's happiest hours have been spent in the midst of most prosaic surroundings and in most prosaic occupations. This brightness has not come without effort. Usually, there has been a claim of evil to demonstrate over; but I have found true what a helpful tract asserts: that "no circumstance is able, of itself, to keep us from realizing harmony."

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