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Do Christian Scientists believe in God?...

From the July 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Do Christian Scientists believe in God? This question is often asked us, and the reason for asking it is said to lie that the inquirer has been told we do not believe in God. A Christian Scientist being once asked this question replied, "Why I believe in nothing else." This answer correctly reflects the belief of everyone who can be said to believe in Christian Science, or who has the slightest right to claim the name. The fundamental truth of Christian Science is that God is all. That is, that he is omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence in the fullest and broadest possible conception of these words. Christian Science recognizes no other power, no other life, no other intelligence, than God: no other existence than God and his ideas. Its adherents take the Scriptural definition and conception of God, and labor to make them the practical and vital fact of their lives. No grander or more comprehensive conception of God can be put in the form of words than that set forth in Science and Health, the text-book of Christian Science. Among numerous other definitions running all through said text-book, we extract the following from page 566:—

"God. The great I Am; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; Substance; Intelligence."

And again on page 449, he is further defined as "Supreme Incorporeal Being." It is again sometimes objected that these definitions imply an impersonal God, and we are charged with denying God's personality. This depends altogether upon what is meant by personality. If a personality of flesh, blood and bones, is understood to constitute personality, we should have to plead guilty to the charge of not believing in a personal God. We distinguish between personality and corporeality. According to our conception corporeality implies fleshly embodiment, but personality does not so imply.

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