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From the July 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For the law of the spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Rom. viii. 2.

Among the many doctrines of Old Theology, there is one that has caused great contention, yet strange to say, it is generally believed in its material sense. I refer to the doctrine of what is called, "Free Moral Agency;" and it can perhaps best be explained, by replying to the question, "What is a free moral agent"? I will give the definition of the words from Webster which bear upon this question, "Free"; "being at liberty"; "Moral," "Pertaining to practice or manners, in reference to right or wrong"; "Agency," "Quality or state of action." Men agree that they are in bondage; that they are held some how and in some way from doing what they think is right, but they do not know wherein their bondage lies or how to free themselves from it.

The understanding of Christian Science is the means by which this Goliath, before whom the children of Israel stand in awe, is slain. It commences with the Truth of Being which declares that the nature, and being of God (Good), is entire freedom from all bondage to sin, sickness, and death. This Light reveals the darkness in which they are seemingly enveloped, and, by knowing Truth error is divested of all claim to Truth, being unlike and opposite to it.

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