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Rev. Dr. E. C. Bolles (Universalist) was reported in a recent issue of...

From the July 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Rev. Dr. E. C. Bolles (Universalist) was reported in a recent issue of the N. Y. World as preaching a sermon on "Fighting vice on wrong lines."

"Here in this great city," said the speaker, "we are almost continually fighting against disease; laws are passed at Washington and ports are considering what they may do to prevent its entry. We know in these days that we are fighting a germ of poison a thousand times too small to be seen by the naked eye. Because science tells us these things are not sent from God, but have a well-known origin, so we learn that there is a cause for everything and we look to science for the cure. Should spiritual science and sanitation be less than the physical Do you believe that the causes of moral disease are any less susceptible to science than bodily afflictions? If not, it becomes our duty as Christian Scientists to search out the root of the evil and determine the cure."

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