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From the July 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you, the hope of glory whom we preach warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." Col. i: 27, 28.

Man's development from one stage to another of conscious existence involves mystery, faith, hope, and fruition. Mystery involves the unknown. Through hope men become possessed with the desire to investigate, and through careful and thorough investigation we reach the discovery of Truth; when Truth is known, mystery is dissolved, faith has no longer need of wings to fly, and fruition yields the agreeable fruits that are man's by birthright,— dominion.

Unacknowledged forces are ever behind those which the world have known, awaiting discovery and development. Thought is the practical working energy of the world. It forms character, moulds experiences, and becomes the motive power to drive the wheels of progress. Thought itself, however, must be wrought upon by an energy outside the narrow confines of what has been conceived as the human mind, before character takes the shape and comeliness that reveal the practical evidences of the Christ's redemption from so-called material forces. The present apprehension of what constitutes manhood is to be changed, transformed by Truth. The spiritual leaven of a woman is hid in the three measures of human knowledge, and this leaven, in the name of Christian Science, is stirring into activity the latent elements of thought-force. This fact accounts for wonderful discoveries made during the past thirty years. The progress noted throughout the civilized world is in the direction of preparing man to escape from the self-corrupting elements imposed by material belief. Through purification from error in thought, Truth and Love enables us to transform our present mortal sense of manhood, and so present a character, which, like that represented in Christ Jesus, becomes the bread of Heaven to feed with spiritual food, those who seek the true and living way.

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