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From the July 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

St. Joe Herald

Do they believe? Evidently some of our legislation is anti-Christian although in the struggles of sects, war of creeds and pandering of demagogues, a fine hotch-potch of legislation has been made. Christ said, in that discourse which is the most fundamental of all his utterances, the spirit of which the world— Jews, infidels and all adore, "Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without your Father." And yet the laws made to compel Christian Scientists to hire doctors and which are demanded by a persecuting, jealous, sectarian spirit, a spirit that suspects devils are cast out by Beelzebub, their prince, sounds rather strange when contrasted with the text. Sparrows can't fall without the the will of God, but infants may and doubtless do perish without your family doctor. Moreover, the usual accuracy of mankind is uttered by the babbling, clamorous press which infers that each death under the Christian Science practice is caused by negligence, while the eyes are closed to the enormous list of hourly perishing folk under the tender mercies of the regular faculty. Here are logic and religion combined.—St. Joe Herald.

We have the pleasure of announcing that available space has been secured at the Columbian Exposition for the exhibit of Christian Science literature. The space is in the Publisher's Department in what is called the gallery or second floor of the great Manufacturers and Liberal Art Building, and is at the head of the great staircases at the northwest corner of the building. Every person going up the stairs will be confronted with our exhibit. The space will permit the display of several thousand books, and leave room for chairs, etc.

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