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A Chicago man, during the whole of his lifetime, has never taken...

From the June 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

San Francisco Chronicle

A Chicago man, during the whole of his lifetime, has never taken any medicine. He has constantly consulted doctors and chemists, and all the medicine they prescribed for him he put away in a room. The result of this strange fancy is that lie has now 1,900 bottles of medicine, 1,370 boxes of powders, and 870 boxes of pills. The excellent health which he has enjoyed, regarded in connection with his peculiar fad, must excite inquiry whether all would not be better off to shut down on drugs and rely on correct living and nature's remedies for the preservation of their health. Too much doctoring and too little real abstention from the injurious practices of the race is what is shortening the average duration of human life. Medicine has its uses, but that this man in Chicago put it to one of the best even the conscientious physician will admit.—San Francisco Chronicle.

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