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From the June 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As I have read the experiences of others from time to time in the Journal, I have wondered if mine would be of use in the putting together of this structure which we are building.

My early training was in the Methodist church, where I remained until dissatisfied. My husband also felt that way, and as we were going into a new town, we decided to take our church letter and search for a church which gave the "best preaching," as we then put it. While thus engaged a friend put Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, into our hands. This was the first we had ever known of Christian Science. My husband thought it very reasonable, and read it quite thoroughly. I read a few pages and put it aside.

The Christian Scientists here, who then numbered about one half dozen, learned we were perusing Science and Health, and would occasionally call for a friendly visit.

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