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[Written on the fifth anniversary of my being healed through Christian Science.]

From the June 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

O Thou Supreme, Eternal Good! Thou art
Life and Love, the Divine Infinitude.
In Thee alone is All that truly is.
Beyond, before, above, below, there is
None save Thyself, O God. All time and space
Are as naught in Thy omnipotent sway.
Thy touch divine,'Thy Word, the Truth, doth heal
All who keep Thy law supremo, and, barring
Mortal sense of power and might, only
In Thee behold themselves as whole, complete.
Father, Mother, Almighty Cosmus, from
Thee hath come the Light Divine, for Thou art
The Light, which to the higher sense of her
Who understood, gave the awakened sight
To see and know, what all shall comprehend,—
That in Thy thought no evil is, nor can
Thyself contain a wrong. Eternal Mind,
In that fuller, broader sense of life we
Would live the gift revealed, and with the true,
The better joy, blend thanks of gratitude
To her who, above the murmurs of earth's din,
Heard the Voice Divine speaking from within.

The blessed thing which the Bible calls faith is a state of the soul in which the things of God become glorious certainties. It matters not how it comes, whether as to Thomas through sight, or whether through the evidence of the Spirit; and yet the faith of which Christ said, "Blessed are they which have not seen and yet have believed," was a spiritual faith.—

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