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From the June 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Buffalo Evening News

The general belief that the 20th Century Club house was to be used exclusively for intellectual and social purposes is proven to be erroneous by the recent occupation of the beautiful new Delaware avenue club house by the Central Church of Christ, which is that branch of the Christian Science Church in Buffalo over which Mrs. C. S. Williams is pastor and which has for the last few years been located at 916 Main Street where its class rooms and dispensary still remain.

That science affords the great laboratory or separating field between the unknown and the things which have been reduced to the practical and well understood things of every-day life, everybody recognizes and from its vast domain and through its processes of investigation one by one we see the new beliefs, the new creations and the things heretofore unthought of and unknown crystallize and come out of the mists and darkness to bear their part in reducing the difficulties and the uncertainties of human life and experiences in a world where so much uncertainty and darkness exists and where, in view of what befalls the average traveler so much danger and trial is almost a certainty.

That Christian Science is slowly crystallizing from the surroundings of prejudice from ignorance and the stigma of disrepute which first attended it is shown by the fact that of the score or more of women who considered the question of admitting it to permanent quarters in the new club house not one dissenting voice was raised.

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