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From the July 1897 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Scientists hail with joy every sign of the coming "Peace on earth, good will to men," to which their lives are dedicated. They take satisfaction, therefore, in the recent notable and national event connected with the return from England of the "Log of the Mayflower," or the Bradford history of early New England days by the Pilgrim's first governor. Concerning this priceless history, United States Senator Hoar says, "It is the most precious manuscript on earth."

In the State House on Beacon Hill, before the assembled legislators, and many of the leading men of New England, the late Ambassador Bayard delivered the precious volume to the safe-keeping of the Commonwealth. Concerning this important event, the Boston Herald well says:—

"There has been no time in all the century when Great Britain was more desirous of friendly relations with the United States than the present. There was a gracious good feeling attending the whole transaction that it was most pleasant to recognize."

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