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Testimonies of Healing

Eleven years ago last month Science and Health was...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Eleven years ago last month Science and Health was brought to me. At that time I was a total wreck physically and mentally. I had not been well for over nine years. As a last resort I submitted to a surgical operation which was a complete failure, leaving me worse than before. Finally inflammation set in and the case was given up.

At this time a friend came and talked to me about Christian Science; two days later she brought me Science and Health. As soon as I began to read, the whole world seemed changed to me. I found God had made everything, and everything He had made was good, and that man was made in His image and likeness. This gave him dominion over the whole world.

I had thought that I should like to be a Christian, and had felt for some time that the God I thought about would make me whole, soul and body, if I could find Him. I often took my Bible to read but I could not understand it enough to read more than a few minutes at a time; but after reading Science and Health every page is illumined.

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