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Testimonies of Healing

Extract from a Letter.

I wish to add my testimony to the efficacy of Christian Science...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to add my testimony to the efficacy of Christian Science treatment. As you know, I experienced a compound fracture of the left ankle on August 1, 1900. The astragalus was dislocated and broken, and the tibia protruded through the skin about an inch and a half. The bones were set, the wound sewed up, and a splint put on by Dr. Dreyfus, a surgeon of our city. August 5, I put my foot to the floor, the bones having knit; August 10, I walked with crutches; August 18, I went a trip on the cars; August 30, I stood on my foot; August 31, I took the splint off; from August 30 to September 11, I alternated between a cane and crutches; September 11, I discarded crutches for a cane and took charge of my office, discarding the cane a few days later. I have enjoyed perfect health, a well ankle, and good business ever since. I want to add that I had no pain, very little swelling, very little inflammation, very little soreness, very little pus discharged. The wound was entirely healed in six weeks. I have no stiffness and can walk as well as any one. The doctor cleaned the wound every other day for a week, then every third day until September 10, when the wound was healed. I know my healing was by Christian Science, as I used no medicines, or liniments, or any other material agents, and I will add that I never doubted my recovery. I want to thank you for your mental efforts, as you did succeed in allaying all my fears and gave me the peace of mind that passes all mortal understanding. I took my own case after your week's treatment, with results as stated. My affliction or my application has given me a better understanding of Christian Science, and I feel very thankful that I turned to the Truth some three years ago, as I have been cured of many diseases, among them consumption, piles, eczema, and several other minor complaints.

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