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Testimonies of Healing

It was with a homesick heart and pain-racked body, and...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was with a homesick heart and pain-racked body, and after the doctor and medicine had failed to relieve, that I was led to inquire into Christian Science. I plainly told the Scientist that I wanted nothing to do with it if it was not in accord with the Bible. When she said that it was, I knew that I had found the Truth, and with her help in a short time I was free to do all my work without even being tired. I had not the privilege of having many talks with the Scientists or of attending meetings, for we moved away soon after.

We were about as poor as people get, financially, but we got Science and Health and "Miscellaneous Writings." These are my constant companions.

The understanding has come very slowly but surely, for my teacher is the impersonal Truth. It seems to me that every day there is a lesson to be learned, and if it is not understood rightly it has to be taken over again.

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