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Testimonies of Healing

When I look back to the bondage from which I escaped...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I look back to the bondage from which I escaped, my heart overflows with thankfulness.

Recently my thoughts reverted to the time, only a few years ago, when I was an almost constant sufferer from nervous headaches. One doctor—a good, kind man— told me to "keep in an even, happy frame of mind." Excellent advice! but he did not (because he could not) tell me how I was to preserve an even temper, a calm mind, amidst the worries and cares of family life, where means were not too plentiful, but work was.

I should like to add my testimony to the great helpfulness of the Lesson-Sermons. Often, when tempted to believe I was weary or sick, I have been brought to the consciousness of my real, harmonious self by reading part of the next Sunday's lesson. I always read it as many times as I can. A friend and myself read the lesson every Sunday morning, at eleven o'clock, at my own or a neighbor's house. We have the regular service, and sing the hymns. This is a very small town, and there are, at present, but four of us who are Scientists. The thought of the neighborhood seems to be against us, but God is for us, and we know the leaven is at work.

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